Saturday, March 04, 2006

Our exciting trip to the snow……

My friend Capella & I had planned to do this for two weeks. Capella, Susy & I were going to take their kids to play in the snow. Susy wasn’t able to make it so I told her I would love to still take them up there with Capella.

So, yesterday we got all our stuff together. Susy bought Nathan & Kaitlin new boots, hats & mittens for our little trip. I dug out all my stuff and packed it all up for the morning.

We all met in Burbank at Susy’s to pick up Nathan & Kaitlin and we were on the road a little after 9am!!! We had lots of rain yesterday, so we were really excited to play and take pictures in the fresh snow!!!

Now here’s where it all goes wrong……..We were about half way up the mountain. We just past the 3000” mark and we just started to see snow. Well, were coming around a turn and we hit a patch of ice! Car goes skidding…..SMASH, we hit the side of the mountain…..Smack, we hit it again……Now the car is in a spin!!! I felt like I was on the tea cup ride at Disneyland…It was all so unreal!!! Smack again, we hit the other side of the mountain and I smacked my head against the passenger side window!!! There the car stops on the opposite side of the road facing the opposite direction we were going!!!

OMG, OMG!! Are the kids OK!!! I was just afraid that someone was going to come down the mountain and not see the car and hit us. So we get the kids out of the car as fast as we can all the while people are running over to help us. We were very lucky that the ski patrol was coming up and they had a CB radio, cause no ones cell phones were working up there!!! The ski patrol guy radios the sheriffs department. Well the guy was telling us to get what we needed out of the car before it catches on fire! I was like, yeah right…then I look over at the hood of the car and there was the car with orange flames coming out from under the hood!!!! I jumped in the back of the car to get our stuff out cause I didn’t want the kids to freeze while we were waiting for the fire department! Oh, yeah…and my camera was back there too…. I’ve never moved that fast in my life!!!

I thought I got everything out, but I guess Capella’s camera went flying and she couldn’t get it out. She also lost her IPOD, which was in the center consol and she didn’t realize till the car was totally engulfed in flames.

Capella’s daughter Caitlyn F. and son Michael were both crying. Michael also hit his head and his glasses went flying off. We didn’t realize the glasses they were still in the car till it was too late. Kaitlin S. (8 years old) started to cry a little and her brother Nathan (4 ½ years old) says “Does this mean were not going to the snow?”…..LOL…Kids!! Caitlyn F. (7 years old) says to her mom “Dads going to kill you!”……Argh…

I felt so bad for her! It was her brand NEW 2005 Dodge Durango. The thing was barley 7 months old!!! She has full coverage on it, but still what a mess!

I’m just so thankful that everyone was ok. Just a few aches, but nothing serious!!! I would have killed myself if I had to call my best friend and tell her that her kids were hurt!!! I love these kids like they were my own! It was hard enough having to tell them what happened!

One funny thing happened….As the cars was totally engulfed in flames I remembered the paper work Susy & Phil gave me in case of an emergency and the kids medical info along with some money was also in the car. I put it on the floor next to the center consol. It was in an envelope. I was like, OK….That’s gone!!! After the firemen put out the fire he came over and asked who Toni was….There was the envelope with my name on it!!! In perfect condition, like it had a force field around it! It was a little damp, but not burned at all….How the hell does that happen!?!?

See all the pictures HERE

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Katrine said...

Holy Cow! I'm so glad everyone is okay. That looks so frightening. I am so thankful you all made it safe and sound.

Gwyn Calvetti said...

Oh my! Thank goodness everyone is okay. What a frightening experience, especially for the kids.

Go treat yourself now, okay?

Anonymous said...

OMG! What an adventure. So glad everyone was safe, how scary!!

Anonymous said...

whoa. - - - so glad everyone is ok. cannot imagine the experience.

Karen (Cupcake) Carter said...

OMG! I am so glad you are all OK. You must have been a nervous wreck. I was so freaked out by your photos. Now there's a layout I want to see! ; )
Happy your safe!

Michelle W. said...

OMG! I'm so glad to hear you guys are ok though! That's all it counts. Hugs. I'm so sorry to hear about this. Glad that someone was close by!


Jojo* said...

Glad to know that you are all okay.


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness!!!! i can't believe those photos...i'm SO glad you're all ok...


Unknown said...

I ams so glad you all are OK what a scary experience.

Anonymous said...

OMG that is just awful! So glad everyone is all right and no one was hurt! Thankfully all our things can be replaced!

Unknown said...

WOW! So glad you are all okay. Those photos are amazing too.

islandgirl said...

Oh my gosh, how crazy that you had your camera to get some shots, WOW! I am so glad you all got out safe!!!!

Anonymous said...

omg. how scary. I'm so glad you're all ok!!!

Anonymous said...

so glad you are all ok. Tena

CathyVal said...

WOW That is amazing! I'm so glad to hear everyone is doing well!

Anonymous said...

Oh my word, Toni, so glad that you, Capella and kids are all OK.